
There’s a thought experiment about teleportation, sometimes called the Star Trek Problem: if there’s no continuity between the source and destination, you’re not moving someone from one place to the other. You’re destroying the source and creating an exact copy at the destination. If you didn’t create a copy at the destination, you’d be killing the person.

So the obvious extension: what if you create two copies?

"Bechdel Tests"

What’s it like up on the net?
The best and worst that it can get
Where minds can meet in rapid bursts
Or ’tleast in asynchronous flirts

What’s it like where all is text?
Where common interest intersects
With all your heart could need to please
Its fractal hub communities

What’s it like, the public square
The tumult, clammer, hubbub where
The darker mass issues decrees
And threats at worst indecencies

What’s it like, the public eye
With no way back, no cheered goodbye
What’s it like, a life hard-pressed
Now filled with storied Bechdel tests

What’s it like? You…

Hell, Backpack, Pokémon

As promised, here’s the last of the three songs I recorded for that audition, and also my favorite.

The song is called “Your Name Goes Here”, and it’s from a musical called A Match Made In Hell that I was in in fall 2013. (As a member of the ensemble, not this character, Harry.) It was good to be performing then, and last week just reminded me that if I want to keep doing things like that I can’t wait for them to just fall in my lap.