iMac Troubles
Our iMac G5 has recently been freezing, seemingly at RAMdom but usually when a lot of applications are open. The weirdest thing is when we restart several times in a row, it freezes even before the OS is loaded (equivalent to BIOS stage on a PC). I can’t REMEMBER this happening before, and it’s making me BURN with anger.
Can you guess what my hypothesis is?
We tried taking out each of its memory sticks in turn, neither solving the problem. Apple Hardware Test turned up clean. But, it is a hot summer, and during each memory removal/addition, both the CPU and the RAM seemed abnormally hot. The crashes don’t occur at CPU temperature peaks, so…
I have little proof besides the symptoms, and given that it’s a tightly packed iMac…I’m worried there’s not much we can do besides wait for it to cool…if that would help…