Part of NaNoWriMo Penance. No title today, hence the newspaper blackout poem. I’ll try to get some of my old ones up too, within the next few weeks.
the fish who realized it was swimming in its own toilet
Masti- cation. Motion. Excretion. Confusion. Sanitation! Rationalization. Depression. Emotion! Option? Decision. Expiration.
It’s a fish!
Part of NaNoWriMo Penance. Title donated by Kellie L.
Bonus poem…in Japanese!
Toire naka
Sakana no you ni
Sumitai ka?
Thinking in Color
Last night I was jokingly bemoaning the fact that I never got to hold the title of “tallest guy in Theatre Rice”. (My first two semesters that position was held by Jacek, and my last two by Jon Gu.) It was too bad that I’d have to be “the white guy” instead.
My mom pointed out that both of those were pretty arbitrary things to be striving for or avoiding, but I insisted that it’d still be better to be “the tall guy” than “the white guy”. My mom then pointed out that I was being silly. “If someone was…
Older Posts
- 2010-12-29 A Perfectly Indented Sea
- 2010-12-27 Relationships vs. Probability
- 2010-12-27 Just Maximizing My Utility Function
- 2010-12-27 On the Perils of Allowing Partial Credit
- 2010-12-26 Re: Diversity (in film)
- 2010-12-26 Movie Review: Gattaca
- 2010-12-26 Off by 1 errors and the face palm of justice
- 2010-12-25 Chrome vs. Safari
- 2010-12-25 From an Actual Conversation with My Family
- 2010-12-25 if i comment on this, without even bothering to read the other comments, something great will happen to me.
- 2010-12-24 Gradient-Colored Douglas Firs
- 2010-12-23 2007 Financial Crisis
- 2010-12-22 I'll Be Damned
- 2010-12-20 Platypus Pie
- 2010-12-20 Movie Review: The Social Network
- 2010-12-20 A Review of Machinarium
- 2010-12-19 Fish and Fiddlesticks
- 2010-12-19 Butternut Squash
- 2010-12-17 The 10-dollar tricksters
- 2010-12-16 The old cellar door
- 2010-12-16 Love, or How I Conquered the World
- 2010-12-15 Daytime
- 2010-12-13 Memoirs of a Park Bench
- 2010-12-13 A Portrait of the CS61A Student
- 2010-12-11 And how can man die better?
- 2010-12-10 Dotting the Eyes
- 2010-12-09 the one with the flaming zombies
- 2010-12-09 Syphilis, As Far As Strainers Go
- 2010-12-07 A Suitable Excuse for a Polka Dot
- 2010-12-06 Plaid Flannel and the Space Hipsters
- 2010-12-05 Sticky Corpses
- 2010-12-04 Terrible, Terrible Damage
- 2010-12-03 A Sad Excuse for a Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- 2010-12-03 I Wrote a Story!
- 2010-12-03 A Scathing Invective on Foreign Food
- 2010-12-01 Defenestration of the Polar Bears