Untitled 1
Last day of Poem-a-Day 2014. Hardly a poem, but a tribute to the days of yore.
Starting Up…
At Ease
Balloon help
“Macintosh Demo Games”
Netscape Communicator
Thirty-one character file names
Virtual Memory: offWelcome to Macintosh → OS X Yosemite
And a haiku for the same era:
If your memory
Cannot hold all it needs to
How much did you give?
Krakatoa 1883
I just learned about this today, via @boredzo via @rtmfd on Twitter. Since I’m still out of titles for Poem-a-Day 2014, I figured I’d use this as subject matter.
The year: ’83, with the eighth month near done
Ash and smoke lingered on breezes above
But no one predicted the spectacle to come
On that day in the Southern PacificPeople, unknowing, many miles away
Without any cares for the isle in the bay
When Mount Krakatoa lived up to its name1
On that day in the Southern PacificWhen all of a sudden—with a CRACK! with a…
Again, no title for Poem-a-Day 2014, so I decided to make this pop sonnet, based on the original by J. Sean.
There’s but one thought that should be on your mind
This night of nights, discard the cares that bind
Like troubadours, to give the chance to me
Observing your unbridled revelryCast off your worries without second glance
And grant to me the pleasure of a dance
To off in distant lands I’ll spirit you
And make a paradise for just we twoMilady needs to carry naught at all
Let us depart, the ’ntire eve…
Older Posts
- 2014-09-27 "Nega Jordy" (the song)
- 2014-09-26 (a sedoka)
- 2014-09-25 Iambic kilometer
- 2014-09-23 banana bunny
- 2014-09-22 it started with a fart
- 2014-09-21 Nothing serious
- 2014-09-20 Hgalkh! 3AM!
- 2014-09-19 Cockroaches in a sink
- 2014-09-18 Not growing up, just burning out
- 2014-09-17 Charging Station
- 2014-09-16 The Broken Door
- 2014-09-15 Sweet Swift Sleep
- 2014-09-14 "I Saw You In The Shop"
- 2014-09-14 A Primer of Urban Physics
- 2014-09-13 Lingua Franca
- 2014-09-12 From Imperceptible Amelioration to Inevitable Fragmentation
- 2014-09-11 Democratically Elected Poems Don't Have Titles
- 2014-09-10 I am a tree, you are a bee
- 2014-09-09 Alternate Universe Nega Jordy Takes Over the World!
- 2014-09-08 Writing Home
- 2014-09-07 This sounds fun 😉
- 2014-09-06 Fifty seven
- 2014-09-05 Incidental Stuffs Forward Falling Bluffs
- 2014-09-04 The Golden Goal
- 2014-09-03 The Noodle Incident
- 2014-09-02 In the Abyss
- 2014-09-01 The Only Thing Left is Google