Duck Between The Lines


Over here.

See the ropes? The double yellow lines? The places marked off-limits, out-of-bounds, against the rules?

Yeah. Step through there. Turn your worldview 90° in a new direction, perpendicular to the rest.

That’s where I am. From here I can see the flow of people in neat little lines, pulses of electronic wisdom blasting off like shooting stars in reverse to land in the neat little tables online—which is nowhere really. Not within the lines, not between them. Flowing along them, perhaps.

From here you can see how artificial it is, that we stay within the lines in the 3D plane we call existence. At any moment we could break free—dams bursting, bounds overflowing! Color outside the lines.

Turn yourself 90°, and suddenly you can see how hopeless it all is. Humans run the rat race tighter than any rodent. And one other thing…

There’s no way back. Turn yourself 90°, and you won’t fit between the lines anymore.

(picture of a duck between two lines)

Part of Poem-a-Day 2013. Title donated by Tom L.