I am a tree, you are a bee

I am a tree, you are a bee
Let’s have fun with polysemy.

I am a tree, you are a bee
The third is the farmer who owns the property
I take the farmer; they leave with me
You are a bee.

I am a tree, you are AB-
Testing the implementations of me
Red-black or array-based (always binary)
I am a tree.

I am a tree, you are a “be”
You head the predicate infinitively
I contain the whole sentence inside of me
You are a “be”.

IM a tree, you are a bee
Busy enough to send messages three
To an account created as a parody
IM a tree.

I am a tree, you are a “B”
A letter carved on my side southerly
Along with a heart and a curlicued “Z”
You are a “B”.

I am a tree, URAB
That is my name unofficially
It was given by a small child to me
I am a tree.

Part of Poem-a-Day 2014. Title donated by Ashley G.