仕方 (Shikata)

Today’s entry for NaCreSoMo is a recording of me playing a song called “Shikata” on guitar; what’s special about this song is that I wrote it in high school and have never actually sung it for anyone.


This post is brought to you by Priya, who actually said the last one was “helpful”. Hahaha…

So, SMILE. (In all caps, nonetheless.) This is a musical about a beauty pageant, which of course is about much more than physical beauty. (echo: of course!) On the one hand you have Brenda Freelander, the primary pageant organizer, Big Bob Freelander, her husband, and Tommy French, the choreographer, all trying to make the pageant match their ideas of what it should be. On the other, you have the most competitive contestants, Sandra-Kay (nearly perfect, but not actually a large role), Maria (disliked…

Berkeley 130, CHS 120

Well, it’s Facebook-official (no, not a girlfriend). I now have (approximately1) ten more Berkeley Facebook friends than CHS Facebook friends.

Of course, there are people from each that I’m friends in real life but not on Facebook, and (like many other people) I have Facebook friends who I hardly ever talk(ed) to. But it’s a milestone of course, and the gap can only widen.

  1. “approximately” because people deactivate and reactivate their accounts…and because I have friends in both networks. ↩︎