"Don't You Want Me Baby"

You wanted me to stay
But never did a thing to
Say you wanted me

I wanted you to stay
But maybe never gave a
Reason to want me

Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should

Be more circumspect!
There’s plenty of new shiny
But it’s not for you to use

It is possible
You might crash the whole program
Or find a new job elsewhere.

(This is a sedoka, a poem form I only learned about last year!)

Part of Poem-a-Day 2015. Title donated by my flatmate’s coworker.

(a sedoka)

Rather than a title, Sharon offered this photo and the poem type “sedoka”. I’ve never written a sedoka before! I quite like the turnaround aspect.

(woman smiling at a baby in her arms; the baby smiles back)

She gazes upon
This tiny creature in arms
Now the center of her world

Her own willing breath
Drawn fast into steady lungs
To soon grow strong to leave her

Part of Poem-a-Day 2014. Picture donated by Sharon K.