Freddi Fish: Sing Along

Who else played Freddi Fish as a kid? Edutainment point-and-click adventure, but very fun at the time. (MMO-makers take note: this is how you make fetch quests!)

Anyway, while cleaning out our house my brother and I found a cassette tape of Freddi Fish songs. We thought they’d be fairly good kids’ songs, and nostalgic as well. But it turns out they’re actually really bad.

How to Make a Mashup

With the release of my latest mashup, One Night Stand, I thought I’d write a blog post about how I make them. Mashup making is mostly a function of musical ability, not technical, and you can do it using entirely free software.1

You can also check out all my mashups on YouTube.

Chrome vs. Safari

Last week Google ran a program called Chrome for a Cause, in which Google donated money to charities based on how many tabs people opened in Chrome. The system was easily game-able, since it didn’t test whether you actually used the tabs, but it was limited to $1 million anyway, so Google was pretty much guaranteed to hit it.

The point of one of these things is, of course, to get more people to try using Chrome; knowing full well that that was the case, I decided to use Chrome for a week, and see how it stacks up…