NaCreSoMo 2014
Hey, everyone. It’s almost March, and that means it’s time for…
And what is NaCreSoMo, you ask? (I’m so glad you did.) It all goes way back to…2013…when a woman named Lily found herself frustrated with her own lack of creativity. Once upon a time, she made new things every day, but lately she had been “too busy” with other things, and other such excuses not to make and share her Creations. And thus she declared the third month of the year to be National Create Something Month, or “NaCreSoMo” for short.
(You may have heard of “NaNoWriMo”. Think of this as an off-season, low-key version of that.)
The rules are simple:
- You can join anytime.
- You can post on any sort of creative project, creative process, or actual work in progress. i.e. you can post about work, not just the pieces themselves.
- You give one comment back per day (on someone else’s post).
- You make at least one post per day (you can back post).
This year Lily’s tracking things on Facebook, so if you want to join us “officially” (and get comments from other participants), let one of us know and we’ll add you to the group!1
I’ll be posting my own work on this site under the tag “NaCreSoMo 2014”, though they will largely not show up on my home page due to the frequency of posting. I’ll also be cross-posting to Facebook to garner interest and views.
Join us!
If you’re the sort who avoids Facebook, you can still send me a link to your blog/site/whatever and I’ll share it with the group, so you can still get comments. ↩︎